Chennai: A gang of three miscreants entered the house of film actor Radhakrishnan, tied up his wife and escaped with 250 sovereigns of gold jewellery in Chennai. The incident allegedly took place at Defence Colony in Nangambakkam area. The robbery was committed when the actor's wife Raji was alone in the house.
The actor was out for work and the gangsters threatened Raji with a knife. They tied her hand, feet and gagged her mouth. They decamped with gold ornaments and 3 lakhs of cash.
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On receiving information from the locals, Nangambakkam Police rushed to the spot with fingerprint experts and sniffer dogs. Later, when the CCTV footage from the house was examined, it was revealed that Ramesh, a watchman from Nepal, who had been working at the actor's house for many years, along with his two friends from the northern state, had committed the robbery and escaped on a two-wheeler.
Following this, the Nangambakkam police registered a case and are searching for the absconding robbers. The police have also sent the photos of the robbers to the airport and railway station and sounded an alert. The investigation is underway.