Patna: A Muslim family has donated land worth more than Rs 2.5 crores for the construction of the 'world's largest' Virat Ramayana Temple at Kaithwalia in the East Champaran district of Bihar. Ishtiyaq Ahmed Khan registered a donation letter of his land to Virat Ramayana Temple on Wednesday. The value of this land has been estimated to be more than Rs 2.5 crore, Acharya Kishore Kunal, chief of the Patna-based Mahavir Mandir Trust, told reporters.
The Mahavir Mandir Trust has so far obtained 125 acres of land for the construction of this temple. The trust will soon obtain another 25 acres of land too in the area.
A huge temple will be established on the donated land. In the construction of the Virat Ramayana temple, the services of technical experts and skilled craftsmen engaged in the construction of the new Parliament building are being taken, Acharya added.
The height of the Virat Ramayana temple will be 270 feet, the largest in the world from the point of view of Hindu temples. Its length will be 1,080 feet and its width will be 540 feet. The Ram-Janaki road being built from Ayodhya to Janakpur will pass through the Virat Ramayana temple and Saffron Buddhist Stupa is also situated on the route.
Also read: Holi celebrations at World's only Vibhishana temple in Rajasthan