Dungarpur(Rajasthan): The Aspur police recovered 186 kg of explosives in Rajasthan's Dungarpur on Tuesday. Acting on a tip-off, the police reached the spot and recovered the explosives. Aspur SHO Sawai Singh said, "On Tuesday evening some people of Gada Nathji village were passing by the Bhabarana bridge. At that time some cartons were seen in the Som river under the bridge. Immediately, some people informed the Aspur police station. In tur, the Aspur Police Officer Sawai Singh reached the spot.
The carton was filled with explosive materials and due to water, the explosives have been spoiled. The explosives were pulled out of the water, in which the tiny balls of gelatin weighing 186 kg were found. The police took it to the police station after filling in seven bags.