Washington: American scientists have developed a new type of blood test capable of detecting various types of cancer. Remarkably, it can sense the trace of the disorder in the patients even though there are no symptoms related to the disease. A blood test called 'Multi Cancer Early Detection' (MCED) was used for this purpose.
It was tested on 6,662 people as part of the research. All of them are above 50 years. One percent of them were diagnosed with cancer.
This also applies to cancer types for which no screening methods are currently available. The scientists compared it with standard fundamental observational methods. The latest blood test found double the number of cancers detected by current procedures.
These include stage-1 cancers of the liver, small intestine, uterus, and stage-2 cancers of the pancreas, bone, and throat. The scientists said that this approach would allow patients to be treated much earlier.