Bengaluru: With 31,198 fresh cases, Karnataka's COVID-19 caseload reached 37,23,694, while 50 deaths took the death toll to 38,804, the health department said. Fresh infections saw a dip by about 7,000 cases compared to Thursday when the number was 38,083, the department said in its bulletin. It added that 71,092 people were discharged, taking the total number of recoveries to 33,96,093.
The positivity and case-fatality rates for the day were at 20.91 per cent and 0.16 per cent, respectively, while active cases stood at 2,88,767. Bengaluru contributed about 50 per cent of the daily infections with 15,199 cases. The city also reported eight deaths.
Other districts too had fresh cases including 1,877 in Mysuru, 1,500 in Dharwad, 1,315 in Tumakuru and 1,037 in Hassan. However. there were zero fatalities in 11 districts.
A total of 1,49,174 samples were tested in the state including 1,06,749 RT-PCR tests on Friday, taking the cumulative number of specimens examined to 6.14 crore. There were 1,97,361 inoculations done taking the total vaccinations to 9.47 crore, the department said.