Tenkasi (Tamil Nadu): A 23-year-old engineering graduate has been elected as the president of the Venkatampatti Panchayat Council of Kadayam Panchayat Union. Charukala, daughter of Ravi Subramanian and Shanthi, who hail from Lakshmiyur village in Venkatampatti panchayat, after completing her B Tech, she is pursuing her Master's now.
Local body elections were conducted on October 6 and 9 in nine districts across Tamil Nadu. Many educated youths have contested in huge numbers in this election, especially in the newly constituted Tenkasi district.
The results of the elections were announced. In this, a 23-year-old engineering graduate has been elected the president of the Venkatampatti Panchayat Council of Kadayam Panchayat Union. On the advice of her father, she contested for the post of panchayat president and while campaigning she received a good response from the people and has won the election. From the beginning, Charukala was leading by a huge margin and at the end of the vote count, she emerged victorious.
Also read: Husband celebrates as both his 'wives' win Tamil Nadu local body polls