Gurugram: A 15-year-old boy fell to death under mysterious circumstances from his flat located on the seventh floor of an apartment here on Friday, the police said. The police, investigating the mysterious death of the deceased youth, who died after falling off the seventh floor, are still clueless about the circumstances leading to his death. The family meanwhile has given in writing to the police that they do not suspect any foul play in the incident. The victim was a student of class 10.
"The deceased boy's family told the police that the deceased was getting ready around 7 a.m. on Friday for his school but later from the ground floor of the apartment someone informed the family that the boy has fallen. The parents of the deceased even do not want further proceedings into the matter," a police officer told IANS. The body has been handed over to the victim's family after an autopsy. The proceeding has been initiated under Section 174 of the CrPC in the matter.