Hyderabad: The nomination task occupied the entire day with contestants nominating each other for eviction, which provided excellent enjoyment to the spectators. Wild card contestants Elvish Yadav and Ashika Bhatia were nominated within a week in the 32nd episode of Bigg Boss OTT Season 2's nomination task. Meanwhile, Bebika Dhurve was slammed by Pooja Bhatt for destroying Bigg Boss property.
Falaq Naazz and Jiya Shankar tease Abhishek Malhan
While Ashika, Falaq, and Jiya were getting dressed, Abhishek arrived and complemented Aashika on her perfume choice. Falaq and Jiya witnessed this and afterwards spotted Abhishek assisting Ashika with her eyeliner.
They began talking about Abhishek and Ashika and teased the former saying he is developing feelings for her. However, Jiya said that Aashika could not be Abhishek's type because she isn't clever enough. Falaq and Jiya then mocked Abhishek about his closeness with Ashika as he continued to deny having feelings for her.
Nomination task unfolds
Bigg Boss launched a new nomination process, which sparked interest among the houseguests. Each contestant received a locket with photos of their fellow housemates. They were only permitted to nominate the individual whose photo locket they were wearing. They freely discussed nominees and attempted to sway one other's votes.
Elvish, Ashika, Avinash, Jiya, Jad, and Falaq are the six candidates nominated to be evicted this week. Pooja, Manisha, Bebika, and Abhishek are the contenders who were saved as no one voted for them. It will be fascinating to witness whose journey comes to an end at the forthcoming Weekend Ka Vaar.
Ashika Bhatia questions Avinash Sachdev for voting against her
Following the nomination, Ashika and Avinash have an argument. Ashika was not convinced by Avinash's reasoning for voting her out. Avinash sticked to his vote saying he feels she is least active in tasks.
Pooja Bhatt slams Bebika Dhurve for destroying Bigg Boss property
Bebika had broken Abhishek's photo in the task, which enraged Pooja, who told Bebika to stop doing such things. Following the nomination exercise, Bebika inadvertently damaged the photo locket with Abhishek's photograph on it. She kept it a secret until Pooja discovered it. Pooja inquired about it with Bebika, wherein she confirmed that she had broken it. Pooja chastised Bebika for causing damage to Bigg Boss' property. Bebika said that it wasn't on purpose and broke by accident.
Jiya Shankar, Falaq Naazz, and Avinash Sachdev point fingers at Manisha Rani's captaincy
The housemates were seen having a disagreement about food waste. Bebika and Abhishek argue over wastage of food as Bebika didn't ask before cooking. As Manisha is the captain of the house, the blame comes on her that she should have seen who all wanted to eat and what is being cooked. Falaq, Jiya and Avinash end up discussing Manisha's captaincy saying she is a lousy captain.
Bigg Boss OTT 2, hosted by Salman Khan, began streaming on Jio Cinema from June 17. It airs every night at 9 pm.