Hyderabad: Actor Vicky Kaushal, who is happily married to Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif, recently revealed about working on a film with his wife. Until now, the two have never shared a screen. Regarding the potential of their future collaboration, Vicky stated that he would love to work with Katrina but that it has to happen 'organically'.
While speaking with a news agency, the Raazi actor said that he is aware of the fans' interest in seeing the two of them together in a movie and added that they are waiting for the right script. "We would love to see ourselves in a movie together. But it has to happen organically and for the right reasons, not just because we are together, and that there's a curiosity about watching us in a film together," said Vicky.
The 35-year-old actor said, "I feel, when you organically fit the bill, in a real sense, that this is a perfect cast and that's when it should happen. I believe it will happen soon. I hope it happens soon."
Vicky and Katrina are one of the most well-known Bollywood couples who have never appeared in a movie together. The two lovebirds tied the knot in December 2021 in Rajasthan. Their marriage was one of the biggest affairs of the year. The two lovebirds will be completing two years of marriage in December this year.
Meanwhile, Vicky's latest film The Great Indian Family hit the theatres on September 22. The actor has been opening up about his marriage life ever since he began promoting his most recent movie.