Hyderabad: Actors Nithya Menen and Parvathy Thiruvothu took to social media to share post which has left their fans puzzled. Nithya and Parvathy's posts hint that they are pregnant. As soon as they shared the photo of their pregnancy test kit results, their comment section on social media is never at rest.
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Fans are congratulating the actors while a section of social media is wondering when they get married. Many have fallen for what they saw on social media, others, however, were doubtful. According to reports, the two acclaimed actors are not pregnant. Those who accused Nithya and Parvathy of breaking their heart with pregnancy news can breathe a sigh of relief as their posts were part of the promotional campaign for their upcoming film.
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The speculations around Nithya and Parvathy embracing motherhood slowed down a bit when other Malayalam actors including Padmapriya, Archana Padmini, Sayanora Philip and Amrutha Subash shared the same photo of a pregnancy test.
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The actors apparently joined hands with director Anjali Menon to promote her upcoming film Wonder Women featuring an ensemble cast of actors. Anjali's upcoming film revolves around lives of several women who are pregnant.