Mumbai: American singer Nick Jonas lauded Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff after the latter on Monday sang Maan Meri Jaan (Afterlife) version of Indian artiste King and Nick. Taking to Instagram on Monday night, Tiger dropped a video of himself singing Maan Meri Jaan (Afterlife) song and captioned it, "My small take on the 'afterlife' #maanmerijaan."
After the video was uploaded, the actor's fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. Nick praised his singing and wrote, "Love it bro!" The Heropanti actor re-shared the singer's comment on his Instagram Story and wrote, "Excuse me while I flex this a little bit! But when one of my fav artists appreciates! Just have to...thank you." Actor Ronit Boseroy also commented, "Wonderfully done." Jackky Bhagnani wrote, "Too good brother."
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The song is a remake of King's popular track Maan Meri Jaan which received massive responses from the fans and has gathered more than 340 million views on YouTube. In 2020, Tiger made his singing debut with the tune Unbelievable. In 2021, he released the singles Casanova and Vande Mataram, and in 2022, he released Poori Gal Baat. In 2022, he made his playback singing debut for composer AR Rahman with the duet Miss Hairan. He co-wrote the song for the action picture alongside Nisa Shetty.
Also read: Akshay Kumar-Tiger Shroff starrer Bade Miyan Chote Miyan to have Eid 2024 release
Meanwhile, on the work front, Tiger Shroff is currently shooting for his upcoming action thriller Bade Miyan Chote Miyan in the UK along with the entire film team. Also gearing up for an interesting line-up of films including Ganapath, amongst many others unannounced. (With agency inputs)