Hyderabad: Global icon Priyanka Chopra made heads turn yet again at the Met Gala 2023 where she twinned with her singer-husband Nick Jonas in chic black and white outfits. However, what stole the show was the glittering diamond necklace the actor wore. The global icon attended the Met Gala event wearing an 11.6-carat diamond necklace, adding a whole new level to her jewelry collection.
The standout piece was from Bulgari, an Italian luxury fashion house. A tweet has been making the rounds on social media since this morning. As per the tweet, Priyanka's neckpiece is worth USD 25 million, which is approximately Rs 204 crores. The tweet further stated that the jewelry will be auctioned after the Met Gala event. The tweet read, "Her USD 25 million @Bulgariofficial necklace is going to be auctioned off after Met Gala @priyankachopra."
Her $25 million @Bulgariofficial necklace is going to be auctioned off after #MetGala @priyankachopra pic.twitter.com/LK0otVUHea
— SAMBIT ⚡ (@GirlDontYell) May 2, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Her $25 million @Bulgariofficial necklace is going to be auctioned off after #MetGala @priyankachopra pic.twitter.com/LK0otVUHea
— SAMBIT ⚡ (@GirlDontYell) May 2, 2023Her $25 million @Bulgariofficial necklace is going to be auctioned off after #MetGala @priyankachopra pic.twitter.com/LK0otVUHea
— SAMBIT ⚡ (@GirlDontYell) May 2, 2023
Priyanka made a bold appearance on the red carpet by donning a gorgeous thigh-high slit black gown from ace designer Valentino. Interestingly, the Bollywood diva's entrance at the Met Gala in the striking outfit received the greatest applause and cheers. Priyanka and Nick made their entrance holding each other's hands and then posed for pictures. Priyanka made her Met Gala debut in 2017 in a trench dress by Ralph Lauren with an unexpectedly lengthy trail.
Also read: Hilarious! Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas recreate Doja Cat's MEOW-ment from Met Gala
On the professional front, Priyanka has been making headlines for her recently released American action thriller web series Citadel. the series also features Richard Madden, Stanley Tucci, and Lesley Manville. Priyanka also has the romantic comedy Love Again alongside Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. The movie will be released this month. She will also be seen with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif in Farhan Akhtar's next Jee Le Zaraa.