Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan tied the knot in a registered ceremony with fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare on January 3 in Mumbai. Subsequently, the families jetted off to Udaipur to host a splendid destination wedding celebration. Commemorating this festive time with traditional wedding customs, the couple, accompanied by their loved ones, has been reveling in the festivities. Finally, on Wednesday, the long-awaited moment has arrived as the first glimpses of the couple are unveiled.
Thus far, Ira Khan has displayed an exceptional and distinctive bridal style. After flaunting various looks during her Mehendi and Sangeet ceremonies, she ultimately mesmerized everyone as the most stunning bride, adorned in an elegant white gown. Ira Khan's inclination towards the unconventional has been evident, and her bridal appearance effortlessly emanated that aura.
With a semi-transparent design and a sleek, form-fitting silhouette, her exquisite attire for the vow ceremony had an angelic quality. The addition of a floral tiara provided an extra touch of sophistication to her ensemble, while her minimalist makeup, featuring a balanced nude palette, sealed the deal in terms of beauty. Nupur Shikhare, on the other hand, exuded charm and looked dapper as the groom, perfectly complementing Ira Khan.
The wedding festivities were in full swing in Udaipur, captivating the online world for all the right reasons. The newly married couple set a remarkable example by prioritizing comfort and opting for a relaxed atmosphere. Ira and Nupur have established a new template for weddings, showing that it is possible to have a comfortable and enjoyable celebration on one's special day.