Hyderabad: The first glimpse of the much-anticipated Project K, which is now titled Kalki 2898AD, featuring star actors Prabhas and Deepika Padukone, has been released amid much fanfare. Prabhas and well-known actor Kamal Hasan unveiled the film's teaser at the ongoing San Diego Comic-Con in the United States on Thursday during an event titled This is Project K: First Glimpse of India’s Mytho-Sci-fi Epic’. The epic science fiction film is helmed by Nag Ashwin and produced by C Aswani Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies.
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The first look depicts a war-torn world in the future, where people seem to be ruled by dark forces and technology. "When the world is taken over by darkness, a force will arise. The end begins now," these lines are seen in the video. The music for the film, which has a budget of Rs 600 crore, is composed by Santosh Narayanan. The film also features megastar Amitabh Bachchan.
In the teaser, the character of Deepika Padukone is shown as a recruit in the Army, who is facing emotional issues, while the character of Prabhas is shown as a warrior, who rises to the occasion to save his world. The character of Amitabh Bachchan is shown as an intense, warrior draped in bandages. The movie seems to be influenced by Star Wars and Marvel. The movie is scheduled to be released on January 12, 2024.
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