Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, after delivering two successful movies - Pathaan and Jawan, is now all set for the upcoming release of his highly anticipated film, Dunki. With only a month remaining until the movie hits the silver screens, the makers have announced the movie's first song titled Lutt Putt Gaya, which is slated to be unveiled on Wednesday.
Taking to Instagram, Shah Rukh Khan shared a new poster of the film and wrote in the caption, "Tere Dil Mein Tent Lagaunga. Tere Ishq mein Goteh Khaunga. Main toh gaya… Lutt Putt Gaya. 30 days to the journey of Love….#Dunki. #DunkiDrop2 - #LuttPuttGaya song out tomorrow!" Tomorrow marks the release of Lutt Putt Gaya, the film's first song, featuring SRK as Hardy and Taapsee as Manu.
The new poster not only gives a glimpse of the delightful on-screen chemistry between the stars but also promises an engaging story filled with both heart and humour. This Christmas, the actors are preparing the audience to witness the love shared between Hardy and Manu as they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
The first video snippet from the movie, referred to as Dunki Drop 1, immediately grabbed everyone's attention and generated excitement. Following this, the makers released posters that offered a deeper insight into the world of the film, which is brimming with emotions of love, friendship, and yearning for one's childhood home. Now, they are all geared up for the launch of Dunki Drop 2: Lutt Putt Gaya, marking the beginning of the musical journey.
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