Hyderabad: There were three big releases on Thursday, including Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2, Mrigdeep Singh Lamba-helmed Fukrey 3, and Vivek Agnihotri's The Vaccine War, resulting in a head-to-head competition at the box office. While the films have completed two days in theatres, with Fukrey 3 beating the Kangana Ranaut and Nana Patekar starrers, let's see the outcomes of the movies on their third day.
According to early estimates reported by industry tracker Sacnilk, The Vaccine War may earn Rs 1.05 crore nett on its third day, which is just a tad bit higher than its first two-day collections. The Vivek Agnihotri movie now stands at an estimated three-day total of Rs 2.76 crore nett. Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2, which has brought in a fair amount during its two-day collections, may gather Rs 6.6 crore nett on day 3, bringing its total to Rs 19.83 crore.
Fukrey 3, on the other hand, has been doing exceptionally well at the box office since its opening day. Early estimates suggest that the movie is likely to earn Rs 10.52 crore nett on day 3, which is its highest collection so far. The movie's total earnings may now stand at an astounding Rs 27.2 crore nett.
Following the enormous success of The Kashmir Files, Vivek Agnihotri expected The Vaccine War would do good at the box office as well. However, things did not turn out as planned, as the Fukrey boys stole the entire show. Kangana's Chandramukhi 2 scored decent numbers at the box office and ranks 2nd in the competition as of now.