Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ananya Panday, who refers to herself as an Instagram stalker, has now disclosed that veteran actor Zeenat Aman is the one she stalks the most. Recently, in an interview, the 24-year-old actor marked down all the characteristics of a stalker that she possesses. She stated that she is a stalker who needs to know everything about everyone.
While speaking to a webloid, she said that the stalker quality of her personality helps her in acting as well. "I went to Mathura for the Dream Girl 2 shoot and I paid a lot of attention to the people around and their style of speaking. I used it all in my character. Zeenat Aman is the person I stalk the most. I find all her posts and writing very interesting. If she shares throwback pictures from the set of a film, I make sure to watch that film," said Ananya.
She further said that she does her best to be a common girl on social media by staying true to herself. There's the need to wear makeup for shooting, but every time she posts a reel when she is not working, the other people get to see her without makeup. She also said that she only promotes products that she uses for herself.
Also read: Dream Girl 2 Twitter review: Netizens heap praise on Ayushmann Khurrana, Ananya Panday's laugh riot
Ananya's most recent movie Dream Girl 2 opened in theatres on Friday, August 25. She appears alongside Ayushmann Khurrana in the sequel to the 2019 hit film, Dream Girl. Helmed by Raaj Shaandilyaa, the movie is produced by Ektaa R Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. The comedy-drama also stars Abhishek Banerjee, Manjot Singh, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, Asrani, Manoj Joshi, Vijay Raaz, and Seema Pahwa.