Hyderabad: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has returned to work following a short break. The actor, through his blog, stated that he had started working again even though he is still recovering from an injury. The actor suffered injuries to his rib while shooting for Prabhas's upcoming movie Project K. In his post, he informed his fans about the injury saying that his "rib cartilage popped broke," and there was a "muscle tear to the right rib cage."
Doctors in Hyderabad advised Bachchan, who is 80 years old, to take a break from his work and rest at home following a CT scan. Due to the ailment, the Bollywood star had also skipped out on his usual meet-and-greet with fans on a Sunday.
Also read: Amitabh Bachchan resumes work after suffering injury on Project K sets
Taking to his blog in the wee hours of Wednesday, Big B posted a few pictures of himself on the movie set while stating that he is back to work. "I'm off to work.." he wrote adding, "a few limps and slings apart .. but striding on." Describing the details of the pictures, the actor wrote in the caption, "the face.. the touch ups.. and the shot.."
He continued adding, "corrections and discussions on the writing.. amicable and on.." and, "the mood be slightly grim in the work front… and that is reflected on the page…" The star concluded his post by saying, "And the routine in its beginnings.. on the road to the route.. the environ so ignored for the time to reappear and the feel on the faces of reassurance.. My love to all.."