Hyderabad: Abhishek Bachchan recently responded on Twitter to a fan who commented on a photo of Aishwarya Rai and their daughter Aaradhya. The fan captioned a photo of the mother-daughter duo from their recent appearance at the NMACC launch, "My fav people," followed by two red heart emojis, and tagged Abhishek. The 'Dasvi' actor surprised the fan by responding to her compliment with 'Mine too,' followed by a blushing emoji.
Reports of problems in their marriage arose after Aishwarya was spotted attending events without her husband Abhishek. However, Abhishek's tweet clarifies that everything is fine between the couple. Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, one of the industry's most adored couples, are admired for their stable relationship.
The duo have been married for more than 15 years and go on vacays together quite frequently. Furthermore, the couple isn't afraid to share cutesy anecdotes from their marriage. However, gossip mills never miss an opportunity to spread rumours about relationship problems. Abhishek's absence from the event gave in to the rumours surrounding problems in their marital bliss.
Aishwarya Bachchan and her daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan, arrived on the second day of the NMACC event on April 1, 2023. But, unfortunately, this time around, Abhishek did not accompany Aishwarya and Aaradhya to the event, fuelling rumours of a rift between them. And as a result, gossipmongers began speculating about the couple's divorce.
However, Abhishek's reaction to a photo of his wife, Aishwarya, and their daughter, Aaradhya, tells a different story. After images from the NMACC event were posted online, a fan of the Bachchan family used her Twitter account to share a stunning image of Aishwarya and Aaradhya. The couple smiled for the camera and looked stunning in the picture. The Twitter user who posted the image and tagging Abhishek wrote, "My fav people." Abhishek took notice of the tweet and replied saying- 'Mine too', thus debunking all sorts of rumours about their married life.