New Delhi: Wipro Founder Chairman Azim Premji on Monday said the pandemic has been a "magnifying glass" for structural inequities and injustices that exclude millions of citizens from a life of basic dignity, and has made clear the fundamental role of public systems.
In a message showcased during Ficci's 93rd Annual General Meeting, Premji said the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked staggering human misery and tragedy and has been a sharp reminder that the economy is a part of society and that human well-being matters - in all its dimensions equally.
"The pandemic has also been a magnifying glass for all our structural inequities and injustices, which exclude hundreds of millions of our fellow citizens from a life of basic dignity. It has made clear that while markets and businesses have an irreplaceable role in a society, even more fundamental are the public goods and public systems," he added.
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Premji noted that agenda for the nation must include food, shelter, safety and basic social security; equitable and high quality public education and public health systems; care for the planet and all life on it; elimination of any kind of prejudice and discrimination; and jobs and livelihoods that are just and fair.
"If all of us come together - governments, industry, civil society, politicians, the average citizen, and more - I am sure that this agenda can be fulfilled in large measure. And then we can truly hope to have a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society," Premji added.
(PTI Report)