Mathura: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday slammed the Samajwadi Party during one of his public meetings in Mathura. Adityanath, who reached Mathura to display his support for BJP candidates Chaudhury Laxmi Narayan, Thakur Megh Shyam, and Shrikant Sharma, accused the opposition for the murder of Narayan's assistant. He also criticized the SP for its lack of job creation.
"The assistant of cabinet minister Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary was murdered by calling goons from Mewat. The Opposition is feeling that the government will not take direct action since Election Commission is in control of law and order. But they will be thoroughly punished after March 10. The violent acts being committed at the moment are not going to last long", the CM said.
Yogi also accused the previous SP administration of widespread corruption, saying no recruitments took place and youth of the state went about without jobs.
Also read: Priyanka Gandhi slams Sitharaman for 'UP-type' remark
"Earlier, no poor, young man had a job. In the name of job, uncle and nephew used to go out collecting protection money. They used to cheat in the name of job. No youth was recruited. Money was collected in the name of recruitment", he said, taking shots at Akhilesh Yadav and his uncle Shivpal Singh Yadav.
The duo, notably, had a rift since 2017, but recently got back together to take on the BJP.
"When the ant's wings appear, its death is usually nearby. That is the state of these people now, they are going about killing innocent people. I pay homage to late Ramveer Singh. Whoever is the killer of Ramveer will not be spared. We do not tease anyone, but if someone harasses an innocent, then we do not leave him", Yogi Adityanath also said.
The CM highlighted that currently, 1.5 lakh youth from Uttar Pradesh have been recruited by the police forces, and that there had been more than 5 lakh recruitments in all the other departments.