Gurugram: A woman was grievously injured after a pitbull dog bit her in Haryana's Gurugram on Thursday. It is learnt that the dog let free by the owner at Civil Lines Road bit the woman near Krishna Mansion Building in Civil Line Gurugram at around 7.30 am leaving her seriously injured. Soon after receiving the information, the Gurugram police reached the spot and admitted the injured woman to the Civil Hospital for treatment.
Also read: 82-year-old dies after being attacked by pet pitbull
The police started investigating the incident by registering a case against the owner of the dog under Sections 289, 338 IPC. Pertinently, the attack by the dog Pitbull breed comes nearly a month after an 82-year-old woman Sushila Tripathi was mauled to death by the pet dog Brownie on July 12 in Bengali Mohala in Kaiserbagh area of Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow. The dog was taken by the local municipal corporation. On Saturday, another Pitbull attacked a minor boy leaving him grievously injured in the Mawana area of Meerut in Uttar Pradesh.