New Delhi: On the 75th Raising Day of Delhi Police, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday took a guard of honour and expressed happiness over the role of the police force especially during the Covid-19 surge in the national capital. Shah said that Delhi Police will have to prepare a roadmap for the next 25 years.
On the occasion, the Home Minister awarded constables and officers from Delhi Police for their meritorious service. Speaking on the occasion, he said, "I am congratulating Delhi Police for its impartial probe during the riots as well as the role the forces played during the Covid pandemic...Delhi Police will also have to prepare a roadmap for the next five years as well as coming 25 years. During the Covid pandemic, personnel from Delhi Police did remarkable service. During those hard times, Delhi Police forces also foiled the terror attacks."
The police personnel or paramilitary forces of any state, he said, had a same goal. "Their paramount responsibility is to tackle challenges and work for the betterment of the society. Their sacrifice for the nation and society is priceless," he said.
"We can make efforts to bring smiles on their faces. They forget their own problems or desires and fight for our safety and security," Shah said, adding, "Delhi Police personnel suppress their own wishes or desires or their responsibility towards their families, and work tirelessly for the nation."