New Delhi: The bench comprising Justice LN Rao, Justice BR Gavai and Justice AS Bopanna heard the matter. Earlier it had sought the response of the state of Uttar Pradesh over the delay in hearing his bail. The court had also expressed its displeasure over the delay in hearing his bail by the High Court.
Today, the state informed the court that Khan had threatened the Investigating officer(IO). The advocates also read out certain statements of Khan such as - "let my government come and you see", "you will be in place" etc.
The state of UP said that the major chunk of pleas are not even filed by the state, 61 cases are filed by private individuals, and he is a "land grabber". State also said that he is a habitual offender, there is an antecedence which becomes a ground for not granting bail.
However, Sr Adv Kapil Sibal, appearing for Khan argued that the state hasn't disclosed facts and he will file an application for the prosecution of these officers. After hearing the matter for around 30 minutes, the court reserved its orders.
Also Read: Bail plea of SP leader Azam Khan: SC directs UP govt to file reply