Chandigarh: The Samyukta Kisan Morcha has announced to celebrate November 19 as 'Fateh Diwas' or 'Victory Day' across the country. In 2021, on November 19, the Central government decided to withdraw the agricultural laws. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) leader Darshan Pal said, "The farmers will hold a meeting in Karnal on December 8. Marches to offices of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs of all political parties will be taken out on November 26." The SKM expressed disappointment at the Union government and accused the Centre of completely reneging on the written promises made to the farmers.
The farmers' body claimed that neither the committee on Minimum Support Price had been formed nor the "false" cases registered against farmers during the agitation were withdrawn. It also accused the government of not being ready to consider the biggest demand of the farmers, a legal guarantee on MSP.