New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party is completely covered in corruption and the entire party is involved in extortion, BJP's Sambit Patra alleged on Monday in a press conference in Delhi ahead of the upcoming MCD polls. The BJP has conducted another sting operation on the Kejriwal government after the video clip of AAP leader Satyendra Jain getting a foot massage in Tihar jail went viral, leading to controversies.
AAP is mired in corruption: Sambit Patra as BJP 'stings' AAP again
The Aam Aadmi Party is completely covered in corruption, BJP's Sambit Patra alleged on Monday.
AAP is mired in corruption
New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party is completely covered in corruption and the entire party is involved in extortion, BJP's Sambit Patra alleged on Monday in a press conference in Delhi ahead of the upcoming MCD polls. The BJP has conducted another sting operation on the Kejriwal government after the video clip of AAP leader Satyendra Jain getting a foot massage in Tihar jail went viral, leading to controversies.
Last Updated : Nov 21, 2022, 12:09 PM IST