New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday approved increasing the monthly financial aid to the orphaned children of ex-servicemen to Rs 3,000 from Rs 1,000. The scheme to provide this financial help is run by the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) and funded by Raksha Mantri Ex-Servicemen Welfare Fund.
"Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has approved the enhancement of the financial aid to the orphaned children of ex-servicemen from Rs 1,000 per month to Rs 3,000 per month," the defence ministry said in a statement. "This will enable orphaned children to lead a better life with respect and honour," it said.
Also read: Defence minister Rajnath Singh briefs MPs on 'Agnipath' scheme, some seek rollback
The scheme is meant for orphaned children aged below 21 years in the case of sons or unmarried daughters. The applications for availing benefits under this scheme are recommended by the respective Zila Sainik Board. (PTI)