Hyderabad (Telangana): Heavy police force have been deployed at the residence of BJP state president Bandi Sanjay in Hyderabad on Friday. This came on a day when the BJP leader was planning to visit the family of the farmer who died by suicide in Kamareddy. A bandh was called in Kamareddy district by farmers today in relation to the municipal master plan issue.
Some leaders of Congress and BJP were detained by Telangana Police. There is heavy deployment of force in front of the residence of both parties' leaders since morning. "The whole situation is peaceful. There are no major protests happening right now. However, we have taken a few leaders into preventive custody in the morning hours. All the shops are open now though a few shops were closed in the morning", Kamareddy SP, B Srinivas Reddy said.
Tension rose high in Kamareddy as farmers staged a massive protest outside the District Collectorate raising objections against the proposed draft of the city's master plan. The farmers also tried to enter the collectorate resulting in an altercation with the police.