New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said he was pained by the passing away of legendary Odia writer Binapani Mohanty and lauded her "monumental contributions" to Odia literature, especially fiction writing. Mohanty died at her residence in Cuttack on Sunday night due to age-related complications, her family said. Mohanty, a Padma Shri awardee, was 85. She was single and lived with her nephew. "Pained by the passing away of noted writer Binapani MohantyJi. She made monumental contributions to Odia literature, especially fiction writing," Modi tweeted.
Her works have been translated into various languages and attained great popularity. Condolences to her family and admirers. Om Shanti," the Prime Minister said. Mohanty has more than 100 books to her credit. She is well-known for 'Patadei', Kasturi Mriga O Sabuja Aranya', 'Khela Ghara', 'Naiku Rasta', 'Bastraharana', 'Andhakarara'.
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