Mysuru: Prahlad Modi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's younger brother, who was wounded in an automobile accident on Tuesday said that the Prime Minister has spoken to him over the phone and inquired about his well-being despite his busy schedule.
Prahlad Modi in a video statement has asked his well-wishers not to worry. Stating that the accident occurred when the vehicle hit the divider, Modi said: "He and his family are safe because of everyone's blessings. We have suffered minor injuries, and are fine. Nothing to worry about."
Also read: PM Modi's mother admitted to hospital, Rahul wishes speedy recovery
"Yesterday my family and I left for Bandipur in two cars of our friend from Bangalore. There were five people in the car including my son Mehul Prahlad Modi (40) and daughter-in-law Jindal Modi (35), grandson Maynath Mehul Modi (6), driver Satyanarayan (46). The car met with an accident. People rushed us to hospital. We were treated well here," he added.
Mysuru-Kodagu MP Pratap Simha and a couple of other senior politicians have visited the hospital to inquire about his health.
Doctors treating Prahlad Modi and his family members said on Wednesday that they are "stable and fine". They also said that the patients are likely to remain in the hospital until Wednesday evening or Thursday morning when a decision on their discharge is likely to be taken by a team of doctors treating them in consultation with their families.