Patna: Amid speculations of a rift between the BJP-JDU coalition in Bihar, senior BJP leader, and Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Tuesday said that Nitish Kumar will complete his term as the Chief Minister till 2025. Speculation has been rife over a rift between the coalition partners which was on display during the monsoon session of the assembly on Tuesday where JDU members were absent.
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, who visited CM Kumar at his residence, told reporters that there was no discord between the coalition partners asserting that Kumar will remain at the top post till 2025. “There is bound to be a difference of opinion among political parties. All of us are serving Bihar together. We have got the mandate to run the government from the people, we are just abiding by it. Everything is fine in NDA,” he added.
Pradhan also referred to the presidential election, wherein he said NDA has unitedly supported Draupadi Murmu. “The candidate was decided after talks between Nitish Kumar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. NDA candidate Draupadi Murmu will soon visit Bihar. She will seek votes from NDA leaders. We are confident that the whole of Bihar will unite and vote for Draupadi Murmu," Pradhan said.
Also read: Tejashwi predicts fall of NDA government in Bihar; 'In touch with RJD MLAs', claims JDU