New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday raided four premises of the key accused in the assassination of BJP leader Senthil Kumaran, an official said. Kumaran was brutally murdered in March in front of a sweet stall at Villupuram in Tamil Nadu by six bike-borne assailants, who lobbed a country-made bomb to stun the victim before hacking him to death with machetes and knives.
The raids were carried out in Puducherry and Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu on the premises of key accused Shri Niti alias "Nityanandam", a spokesperson of the agency said. The official said that the premises raided included an undisclosed residential property of the accused. Digital devices (mobile phones), SIM cards, dongle, a motorcycle and incriminating documents were seized during the raids, the official said. The raids were part of the agency's probe to untangle the complete conspiracy hatched by Nityanandam and others, the spokesperson said.
The case was initially registered by the Puducherry Police at the Villianur police station in March and later taken over by the NIA. "The various gadgets and documents seized in today's raids are under examination, and the NIA probe in the case continues," the spokesperson said. (PTI)