Chennai: Acting upon a complaint filed by a social activist, the National Human Rights Commission, has registered a case regarding the death of Tamil actor Vivek. The Padmashri award-winner actor Vivek passed away at the age of 59 from an acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock on April 17. The NHRC has accepted Saravanan's complaint and more information on the actor's death is likely to be revealed through further inquires.
The complainant, Saravanan stated that Vivek died after getting vaccinated against Covid-19. As per sources, speculations were rife as the actor died a day after getting administered the vaccine. The Covid vaccine's efficacy and reliability were speculated over.
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Vivek was admitted to SIMS Hospital on April 16 after his health deteriorated. He was put on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) support, the hospital had said. According to the doctors, Vivek had complained of chest pain to his family members.
Late actor Vivek
Vivekanandan, renowned as Vivek was born in Kovilpattin, Tamil Nadu. His debut Tamil movie was "Manathil Urudhi Vendum" directed by the late K. Balachander in 1987. Later, he ascended up the ladder in film industry and acted with Rajinikanth, Vijay, Ajith, Surya and others. He had acted in over 200 films. He was awarded the Padmashri in 2009 and the Kalaivannar award from the Tamil Nadu government.