Indore: The Indore bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court has dismissed a petition challenging the 2019 Lok Sabha win of Bharatiya Janata Party's Shankar Lalwani from here. In the polls, Lalwani had garnered 10.68 lakh votes and had defeated the Congress' Pankaj Sanghvi by a huge margin of 5.47 lakh votes.
Sanghvi had moved the HC seeking that Lalwani's win be declared null and void. His submission had stated that Election Commission guidelines related to electronic voting machines (EVMs) were not adhered to during voting and counting, which he claimed had helped Lalwani.
Dismissing the plea, a single bench of Justice Subodh Abhyankar said "This court is of the considered opinion that the election petition is drafted in such a manner that the objections raised therein can be copied and pasted in just about every other election petition, questioning the election of any other Parliamentary seat anywhere in India."
"In such circumstances, when the pleadings of the election petition being vague and lack) the material facts, its outcome appears to be a foregone conclusion. This court is of the considered view that this is a fit case to invoke the powers conferred on this court by Order 7 Rule 11 of CPC to reject the plaint at the threshold itself," the order said. (PTI)