New Delhi: Amid vehement sloganeering in Rajya Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday slammed the opposition and said the more 'keechad' they throw at us, lotus will bloom even more'. As PM Modi started his reply to the Motion of Thanks on the President's address, the Opposition MPs started raising slogans of "Modi-Adani bhai-bhai" in Rajya Sabha.
"Some MPs are bringing disrepute to the house," said Prime Minister Modi responding to the sloganeering of the Opposition members. "In this glorious House some people’s attitude and their speech is frustrating the country. Kichad uske pas tha, mere pas gulal, Jo bhi Jiske pas tha, usne diya uchal (Some people had mud in their hands, but I had colours. Everyone threw whatever they had in their hands)," he said, adding "Jitna kichad uchalo ge, kamal utna hi khilega (The more dirt you throw, lotus will bloom even more)."
"So, you all have an equal role in making the lotus bloom, and I think all of them for that," he said. The ooposition were relentlessly during the entire speech as Modi went on speaking about the "acheivements" of his government .