Hyderabad: In the biggest e-Fraud in the city, cybercriminals hacked the servers of Mahesh Cooperative Bank and siphoned off Rs 12 crore. Based on a complaint lodged by one of the officials of the bank, the cyber wing registered a case on Monday and took up investigation.
According to the police, cybercrooks logged into the main accounts after hacking the servers of the bank and later transferred the amount to more than 100 different bank accounts.
The fraud came to light during the internal verification. Immediately, the bank officials lodged a complaint with the Cyber Crime Police Station. The police conducted a preliminary inquiry and inspected the main branch. Later, they checked the security details and procedures adopted by the management.
The police are learning to whose bank accounts the amount has been transferred. AP Mahesh Cooperative Bank has a total of 45 branches covering four states and its head office in Hyderabad.
Also read: Hyderabad cops nab two Jharkhand natives for cyber crime