Ludhiana: Police have arrested a person who was impersonating an officer on special duty (OSD) of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. The accused used to approach Tehsildar and Nayab Tehsildar rank officers for the registry purpose that too without providing the valid supporting documents. "When the officers of the department concerned asked for valid documents, the accused used to tell the officers that he was an OSD to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann," Ludhiana Commissioner of Police, Kaustubh Sharma, said on Wednesday.
The accused has been identified as Karanjit Singh, stated to be a lawyer by profession. He was arrested from the Tehsil office recently, based on a complaint filed by the Tehsildar, said the police commissioner.
When the Tehsildar became suspicious, he informed the police, and thereafter the accused was arrested. When the police tracked the accused's call details, he was found pressurizing another officer, stating the same thing that he was the OSD to Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann. After that Ludhiana police instituted a case before arresting the accused, added the police commissioner.
"We are also trying to find out whether any case was registered against the accused, earlier, in another police station in Punjab. His phone call details are being scanned. Besides, we haven't received any directive from the chief minister's office that the arrested person has been appointed as OSD to the CM. We know that recently two secretaries were appointed OSDs to the Punjab CM. Hence, the Punjab police grew suspicious of this impersonation case," said the Ludhiana Police Commissioner.