New Delhi: Domestic cooking gas (LPG) price on Tuesday was hiked by Rs 50 per cylinder in line with a spike in international energy prices, sources said. A 14.2-kg non-subsidised LPG cylinder will now cost Rs 949.50 in the national capital.
This is the first increase in LPG rates since early October. Prices have been on a freeze since then despite the cost of raw material spiralling. Sources said a 5-kg LPG cylinder will now cost Rs 349 while the 10-kg composite bottle will come for Rs 669. The 19-kg commercial cylinder now costs Rs 2003.50.
Meanwhile, Petrol and diesel prices were also hiked by 80 paise a litre each, ending an over four and half month hiatus in rate revision, sources said. Petrol in Delhi will now cost Rs 96.21 per litre as against Rs 95.41 previously while diesel rates have gone up from Rs 86.67 per litre to Rs 87.47. The rate increase comes after 137 days of hiatus in rate revision. Prices had been on a freeze since November 4 ahead of the assembly elections in states like Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.
Also read: Saudi Arabia says it's not responsible for high oil prices
with Agency Inputs