New Delhi: Justice Nongmeikapam Kotiswar Singh was on Tuesday appointed as the acting chief justice of the Gauhati High Court. A notification issued by the Department of Justice in the Law Ministry said Justice Singh would take over from January 12 after incumbent Chief Justice Rashmin Manharbhai Chhaya demits office on January 11.
"In exercise of the power conferred by Article 223 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint, Justice Nongmeikapam Kotiswar Singh, senior-most puisne judge of the Gauhati High Court, to perform the duties of the office of the Chief Justice of that High Court, with effect from January 12, 2023 consequent upon the retirement of Justice Rashmin Manharbhai Chhaya, Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court," the notification read. While Supreme Court judges retire at the age of 65 years, high court judge retire at 62. (PTI)