Sehore (Madhya Pradesh): A video has surfaced on social media where a man was seen carrying his son's body on a motorcycle in the Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh. The deceased was a 26-year-old youth belonging to Chaiyani Dabla village in Madhya Pradesh. The youth, along with his friends, had gone to take a bath in the River Parvati, but unfortunately, he met a watery grave.
Read Prayagraj: Father forced to carry son's dead body on shoulder after hospital denies ambulance
Thereafter, a State Disaster Response Force team was pressed into service to fish out the body. The body of the deceased was taken out after conducting a search by the SDRF personnel. Later, the body was handed over to the kin of the deceased. The family members of the deceased first tried to arrange an ambulance, but not finding the same took the body on a motorcycle, said sources.