Lucknow: The Hayati grave that Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi earlier (former UP Shia Waqf Board chief Waseem Rizvi) has booked for himself is now been canceled as Tyagi quit Islam and converted to Hinduism on December 6. The Mutalwi (administrator) of the graveyard Syed Faizi, ordered the cancellation and asked it to be allotted to someone else.
In 2010, Jitendra Narayan Singh Tyagi has booked a Hayati Grave for himself in Lucknow's Talkatora Graveyard, said the administrator of the graveyard. "We had also shared this information with Tyagi's family," he added.
There was a time when Syed Faizi used to be a close friend of Tyagi, and in 2012 when Faizi became Mutwali, Tyagi was the chairman of the Waqf Board. But now Faizi considers talking to him as "Gunha". "The kind of statement Tyagi made against Quran Sharif and Rasool Allah is unacceptable. We are Shias and we can't accept this at any cost."
As Tyagi is still a member of the waqf board, do you think his membership needs to be canceled?. "Yes I would urge the members of the board to take action as per the rules mentioned in the board and we will discuss about it in the upcoming meeting scheduled on December 14," he replied.
Mutawali of Talkatora Imambara and BJP member Syed Faizi also got elected as a member from Mutawali quota. During the election process, a few Mutawalis and their supporters reportedly also had a heated exchange of words.
Earlier speaking to ETV Bharat, Chairman of UP Shia Waqf Board Ali Zaidi has made it clear that the complaints received against the old Mutawalis will be investigated and they will be sacked. So now, Syed Faizi may not be accused of corruption, but due to his complicity with Wasim Rizvi, the chairman's eye is also on him.