New Delhi: Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi Sunday attacked Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over a report claiming that his government was not keeping its promise of providing a job and a house to the family of the 2020 Hathras gang-rape victim. A 19-year-old Dalit woman was allegedly raped by four men in September 2020. She died at the Safdarjung hospital in Delhi two weeks later during treatment, and her body was allegedly cremated forcibly by the Uttar Pradesh police.
In a tweet Sunday, Gandhi alleged the BJP has never desisted from doing "injustice" to daughters and its talk of "beti bachao" is merely a pretence. Referring to the Uttar Pradesh government's quote mentioned in a news report, Gandhi said, "'The brother of Hathras victim is not a member of the family, so we will not provide a job and a house'." "Even after two years, the torture of the victim's family continues," he said in his tweet in Hindi. "The talk of 'Beti Bachao' was just a pretense, in fact the BJP never desisted from doing injustice to daughters," said Gandhi. PTI