Panaji: Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh assured a court in Goa on Friday that he would not make any statement against Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant's wife Sulakshana Sawant till the next hearing of the defamation case filed by her. Sulakshana, herself a local BJP leader, moved the court against the AAP leader after Singh levelled allegations against her in connection with an alleged cash-for-jobs scam in Goa.
The case, where she has sought damages of Rs 100 crore, came up before the civil court at Bicholim. At the previous hearing, the court had sought Singh's reply. Advocate Pralhad Paranjape who represented Sulakshana Sawant along with senior advocate S V Manohar told reporters that they asked for a court `injunction' or interim order restraining Singh from making any further defamatory statements against her.
"The counsel for defendant (Singh) made a statement that till the next hearing, they will not make any further statements," he said. The case would be heard again on January 24, the lawyer added. Singh, a Rajya Sabha member, had made certain allegations against Sulakshana Sawant at a press conference in Delhi last year.
Besides compensation, Sawant has demanded an apology from the AAP MP with a clarification that his statements were not true. Opposition in Goa has been targeting the BJP government in the state over a `scam' where some people allegedly duped scores of job aspirants promising them government jobs for money.