Pathankot (Punjab): Punjab police on Friday nabbed a youth who allegedly threatened his grandfather with dire consequences and demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. The victim, Ram Lal, a local businessman on Friday rushed to the police station after he received a call demanding Rs 1 crore ransom and lodged a complaint .
The police tracked down the accused's phone number within a few hours and nabbed the accused who turned out to be Lal's grandson, said DSP Rajinder Manhas. The accused has been booked under relevant sections of the law and further probe is underway, the he added.
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Speaking to reporters, Lal said that he returned home from his shop on Friday and got a threatening call at around 8:50 pm. Lal panicked and rushed to the Shahpur Kandi police station. DSP Manhas said that Lal's grandson bought a new sim to threaten his grandfather.