New Delhi: In the wake of the Covid situation across the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday announced that the Central government has decided to extend Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) till Diwali, providing free rations to 80 crore poor people in the country. Under the PMGKAY, the central government aims to distribute 5 kg foodgrains (wheat/rice) to 80 crore beneficiaries, who are covered under the National Food Security Act (NFSA).
As per the announcement, each beneficiary will get 5 kg foodgrains every month till Diwali. In April, the central government announced the distribution of free foodgrains for May and June under PMGKAY which now has been extended till November. Union Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey had stated that around 28 LMT of foodgrains has been distributed among 55 crore beneficiaries in 34 states and union territories. He said that the scheme is for ration cardholders and the central government is spending Rs. 26,000 crore to fulfil the requirements of the poor people.
The PMGKAY scheme was also implemented during the April-November period of 2020 and 5 kgfood grains (rice/wheat) and one kilogram of grams were distributed to the beneficiaries under NFSA. Nearly, eight crore people, mostly migrant workers who did not have ration cards, were also given free ration under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat package.
Read:| 80LMT of food grains to be distributed under PMGKAY in May and June