Lucknow: Bittu Jaiswal, accused of killing Bihar's most wanted mafia Virendra alias Gorakh Thakur was arrested on Monday during an encounter in Lucknow. Gorakh was murdered on June 25 in the Cantt area. In the case filed in the matter, Bittu, his wife Priyanka and Gorakh's old enemy Firdaus were named. As informed by the police, Bittu revealed during an interrogation that his wife Priyanka wanted to kill Gorakh Thakur.
He further informed the police that Priyanka had lived with Gorakh Thakur for about 9 years and was aware of his whereabouts and close friends. With the help of their common acquaintances, Jaiswal got some more people with him and conducted a recce a month before the murder was executed on June 25. However, the police have not yet been able to procure any information about the shooters from Bittu.
According to sources, Bittu was present along with his wife Priyanka on the Nepal-Bihar border a day before the encounter. Lucknow police claim that Bittu had come to Lucknow to meet the lawyer with the intention of surrendering on Monday.
Also read: UP police nab 3 shooters suspected to be involved in Virendra's murder case
The police officials now plan to take Bittu's remand from the court, while Bittu's wife Priyanka is absconding. It is suspected that Priyanka has fled to Nepal where Firdaushas absconded after being named a prime suspect in another murder case.