Chennai (Tamil Nadu): For the first time, a documentary called 'Yaanam', was made in Sanskrit about the launch of ISRO's Mangalyaan. This documentary, directed by Vinod Mangara, is released in Chennai. The film is produced by AV Anoop (AVA) Protection.
K. Radhakrishnan, former head of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), present Chairman of ISRO S. Somanath and other space scientists watched this documentary film at a screening here in the presence of its makers.
Later, speaking to the press, S. Somanath said, "It is a pleasure that a scientific historical documentary has been made in Sanskrit language for the first time. They have explained about ISRO's Mangalyaan satellite launch. This is the first time that a historical documentary on space science has been made in Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, we use it only for slokas. Medicine, weather, earth etc have been told in Sanskrit thousands of years ago".
Director of documentary Vinod Mangara, who also spoke, said, "This is the 680th documentary film. It is a world record. And I made this film because of my passion for Sanskrit. I have plans to screen this film in upcoming documentary exhibitions".