Varanasi: The Varanasi district court has imposed a fine of Rs 500 on the Muslim side regarding the Gyanvapi-Shringar case. According to sources, the hearing of the Gyanvapi-Shringar Gauri case was held in Varanasi District Court on Thursday. During the hearing, due to the death of Abhay Nath Yadav, the lawyer of the Muslim side, on August 4, 15 days' time was sought from the court.
The rejoinder was to be presented by the Muslim side in the hearing today but they could not do so. The Anjuman Arrangement committee has appointed two new advocates-Shamim Ahmed and Yogendra Prasad Singh alias Madhu Babu to present their case. They sought additional 10 days to understand the facts and documentation of the case. Expressing displeasure over it, the court has imposed a fine of Rs 500.
Also read: Gyanvapi case, Husband of plaintiff gets death threat from Pakistan
The date of August 22 has been fixed for the next hearing in this matter.
Notably, the hearing was adjourned due to the death of advocate Abhay Nath Yadav due to a heart attack. After this, more time was sought from the court to submit the remainder by the Muslim side on the next date. On this, the district judge had given 15 days to the Muslim side.