Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan): Satnam Singh, a 50-year-old man, killed his wife and 20-year-old son in Rajasthan's Sri Ganganagar district on Sunday night by hitting them with an iron rod. Soon after Singh surrendered to police and confessed to the killings.
Singh, a resident of Arayan village, is believed to have taken the extreme step over a long-standing domestic dispute.
Veerpal Kaur and her son Balwinder were sleeping when Singh attacked them with an iron rod on their head. Both mother and son died on the spot as a result of severe head injury.
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Singh also tried to attack his elder son Rajvinder while he was asleep, but he survived after confronting his father while he was entering his room.
"I was sleeping here and my mother and brother were sleeping together. I have no idea when he attacked them both. It was only heard a thud that I got up and saw him standing in front of me. He fled after seeing me," Rajvinder told ETV Bharat.
Meanwhile, based on the confession, police have arrested Singh and have sent both the bodies for autopsy.