Gandhinagar (Gujarat): Five of the eight Congress legislators, who had resigned prior to the Rajya Sabha elections, don the saffron 'Khes' (colour) on Saturday. The formal welcome ceremony took place at the BJP state headquarters at 'Kamalam' in Gandhinagar on Saturday.
According to information, five former Congress MLAs out of the total 8 legislators, who had resigned before the Rajya Sabha elections in Gujarat, formally joined the BJP. Full fledged preparations are underway at the state party headquarters in Gandhinagar.
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The state party chief Jitu Vaghani welcomed them in the saffron party at 'Kamalam' in presence of BJP bigwigs of Gujarat. The legislators who don the saffron outfit are -- former Dhari MLA, JV Kakadiya; former Abdasa MLA, Pradyumansinh Jadeja; former Karjan MLA, Akshay Patel; former Kaprada MLA, Jeetu Chaudhari and former Morbi MLA, Brijesh Merja.
Looking at the present coronavirus outbreak situation, the BJP doesn't want a large gathering at the party headquarters. No supporters of former Congress MLAs have been allowed at the BJP office.
The party will hold a Press briefing to officially announce the development, after the ceremony.
IANS report